Caregiver List

Find a caregiver…or find a job being a relief caregiver through Haywood County’s Caregiver List.

The list is free to individuals seeking a caregiver and can be picked up at the Senior Resource Center.

Individuals wanting to be placed on the list for employment must pay a $35.00 fee for a background check. Experience may or may not be necessary.

Both parties are asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (see links below). Those can be printed out, signed and brought in when either receiving the list or prior to being placed on the list.

The list is maintained by the Senior Resource Center.  It is up to family members the contact individuals on the list, arrange interviews, negotiate salary and work arrangements and hire someone.

A consultation is provided for those obtaining a copy of the list and for those being added to the list as a caregiver. This assists family members in understanding how to interview and evaluate candidates to find a “good fit” for their family and their needs. The caregiver will be advised on how to communicate with the employer to make the most of their job for themselves and for their clients.

Caregivers wishing to be placed on the list pay a $35 fee for a background check to be included for employment and are updated every three years that they remain on the list.

MOU – Employer pdf

MOU – Caregiver pdf

Call Michelle at 828-356-2813 for more information