In-Home Aide Services for Seniors
Mountain Projects, Inc. offers Level 1 In-Home Aide Services to assist adults and their families with essential home management tasks. The In Home Aide service enables senior citizens to remain independent and function effectively in their homes as long as possible. Level 1 In Home Aide Service provides support to those needing assistance with housekeeping, meal prep, errands, grocery shopping, and provides opportunities for socialization and companionship.
Individuals age 60 and older with limited family involvement, are medically stable, self-directing and have at least one instrumental activity of daily living (IADL) impairment or require assistance with basic home management tasks are eligible for these services. Currently, there is a waitlist for services due to the high demand for assistance in our area.
There is no cost for this service. Service recipients have the opportunity to voluntarily contribute toward the cost of services they receive. Contributions collected from service recipients provide more hours of service for enrolled clients and can help pay for services for other persons in need.
Contact Darlene McElrath for more information at 828-356-2838 or email [email protected]